This is my second gamejam

And the furthest I've gotten by myself!

I do plan to finish this game after the jam and

  • add monster glossary to keep up
  • add title screen
  • add music and button effects
  • add a game-over state

Rather than disappointed i didnt finish, I am proud to have learned so much adn to have even accomplished as much as i did with my busy schedule! Game development is a passion of mine and working on this on my own helped me realize what i am capable of solo and allows me to plan my future games accordinly!

In this jam, I worked alot with resources and loading in prefabs more or less without using the editor. I had no real reason other than to learn how to do it lol. The only things i used my editor for was finding transform locations and adding the background but using the resources folder, I could just load everything in at runtime. The advantage? Editior wise, i dont think there is much of an advantage. However, I see loading resources as a useful tool when used for things like spawning enemies or arrows in my case! Maybe in the future I'll use the logic to help me develop a dynamic enemy system!

I'd like to thank you for checking me out and hearing what I had to say! I'll be posting more games in the NEAR future by participating in another jam right after this one! I've learned so much, I just feel I need to test my own confidence but getting back into the water! I work ALOT outside of game dev but life is too short to keep putting off what I love doing. If you love something, you make time. And I do love making games haha.

Published 6 days ago
TagsGame Boy, Game Jam, Halloween, Pixel Art, Spooky


8-Bit Prep.exe 651 kB


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Does this run in the browser? It doesn't do anything for me in Chrome.

Its broken friend, Im sorry. First game i built in a while and it kinda collapsed! I apologize